Header image
View from the Berlin TV Tower
© Foto: Torsten Fritsche/Die Lichtisten

Berlin Television Tower (Fernsehturm)

360° Berlin
Corona Disclaimer

Changes in the offer are always possible. We therefore recommend that you check the partner website before your visit.

Kurz & Knapp


March - Oct.:
Mon - Sun 9 am - 11 pm
Nov. - Feb.:
Mon - Sun 10 am - 11 pm


Panoramastraße 1a
10178 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 24 7 57 5 8 75

Adults: from €28,50
Children (4-14 yrs): from €18,50



Discount is only granted at the ticket office inside the TV tower. 

As a holder of the Berlin WelcomeCard all inclusive, you can go straight through the turnstile with your card. If access through the turnstile is not possible due to full capacity, a new admission time can be reserved once at the ticket office.

Jetzt Vorteile sichern

Card variant page reference

Berlin WelcomeCard all inclusive

Card variant
all inclusive
Vorteilsargumente (cards form)
  • Valid for 48 hours to 6 days
  • Save from 25% up to 50% at 140+ attractions
  • Optional: incl. public transport for Berlin and Potsdam
  • Free entry to 25+ Berlin highlights

Ermäßigungen in der Nähe
