Hitler - how could it happen
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The Documentation „Hitler – How could it happen“ is an exhibition which extends across three floors in an real big bunker built in Second World War. It is a reconstruction of the history of National Socialism. If you ask yourself :“How could it happen that so many people voted for this person? Why did they participate until the end?" you will find answers there. By Diktators sucide, the most terrible war in history came to an end.
"Really vital for the understanding of the darkest chapter of German history” Washington Post.
„How low a society can go when it hands over the reins to a dictator“ Times of Israel.
„The most extensive research“ BBC
„Germans followed Hitler because he promised to make Germany great again“ Voice of America
The exhibition shows reconstructed rooms like Hitlers workroom as well as further photograps, documents and movies.
In the same bunker the Berlin Story Museum is located as well, which is also one of the Berlin WelcomeCard Partners.
Kurz & Knapp
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 07:00 pm
Last Entrance: 5:30 pm
Schönebergerstr 23a
10963 Berlin
standard admission price: 12€
audio guide +1,50€ in De, EN, FR, ES, IT, NL, DK, RU, 1,50€